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Sunatrene® 100, Methylcyclopentadienyl-
Manganese Tricarbonyl

SunatreneŽ 200, Cyclopentadienyl-
Manganese Tricarbonyl

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SunatreneŽ 200 - Cyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl

Sunatrene® 200, represents another manganese based organic compound derivated from manganocene - Cymantrene, in addition to Sunatrene® 100. Sunatrene® 200 is specially developed to offer identical catalytic performance as what Sunatrene® 100 - exactly develops to automotive gasolines. Sunatrene®200 contribute to greatly improved storage stability to light, the free-flowing crystals allow more convenient handling in use in general process systems and conditions, and minimize the opportunity of pollutant contamination to environment. More important catalytic performance which Sunatrene® 200 presents in potential is its synergistic effect with Sunatrene® 100. The lower energy in formula of the special half-metallocene helps the unitary CP ring rotate with lower barrier, and enables the reserved potential in this formula possible. In Sila chemistry, the research driven business operation is the same reinforced to Metallocene chemistry maintaining the advantage of transferring Research progress and application experience as monitored in long-term continuity to production effectively, and in the field of automotive field, we should be able to continuously bring out amazing developments to help fuel powered vehicles distinguish the most compatible fuels, reduce emission and increase engine durability


For further information on Sunatrene® 200 or Sunatrene® 100, select one of the product document areas above or contact us