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Thank you for your interest in Sila chemicals, welcome to Join us!

The business success and unique technology offerings of Sila chemicals are fully built on the exceptional talents of our bright and highly skilled employees. Each emplyee of Sila chemicals plays an important role in our performance as the catalysts for our continued success. They share the characteristics of initiative, perseverance, creativity and reliability. They work independently and responsibly within the team. They bring the best of their abilities to work, taking pride in their individual and team achievenments.

On actively developing the career paths of existing employees, Sila chemicals is also opening doors to external talent to shape the future together. Whether you are an experienced professional looking for new opportunities, or a fresh graduate pursuing your first job. In Sila chemicals, the specialized chemical company, you will be able to find a platform that fits your career ambitions.

We value people who:

  • have high ethical values
  • are willing to take personal responsibility
  • are professional and self-moltivated
  • are independent and innovative
  • bring plenty of energy and enthusiasm to their work
  • are committed to continuous development
  • can balance competition and teamwork, intensity and integrity, intellectual curiosity and leadership potential

Join Sila Chemicals and show your professionalism, enthusiasm and creativity